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Discover your


Life is a journey and we are all travellers. Yet, do you know where you are? Do you know where you are going?

We believe Jesus is one who guides us and shows the best pathways in our lives. And we are all in this together. So let us discover our pathways — walk with Jesus and become more like Jesus. So who is Jesus to you?

Adventure with


There is no other way than Jesus for us to get to salvation. He loves us so much that he gave his own life. So who is Jesus to you?

Starting at Crosspoint:


After being in the meeting points at Crosspoint, if you wish to continue the journey with Jesus in Crosspoint, we recommend you to join the Discovery which is an introduction of our church — our story, what we believe, our rhythms and et cetera.

Choose your path



If you are new to faith or still have many doubts or questions, this is for you. Let us start a conversation!


With work, parenting or schooling, you feel busy and tired, so you are not able to practise the way of Jesus, this is for you. Let us start slowly.


If you want to go deeper with God’s calling and lead or start a new church or ministry, this is for you. Let us go deeper!


If you want to do something fun together, engage with your interests or you want to do something practical, this is for you. Let us do something.


Jesus came to earth and lived in a physical body like you and me. Jesus can do for human nature what we cannot do for ourselves. Jesus can identify with every problem we face as human beings.


Jesus was the perfect example of leadership. Jesus was an excellent teacher. Jesus prepared His disciples for outreach. Jesus was a talent spotter. Jesus was practical.


Jesus knew how to discern God’s will over His schedule. Jesus’ leadership style was always appropriate. Jesus understood authority. Jesus showed no partiality. Jesus was sensitive to culture, but obedient to truth. Jesus was understanding and forgiving.


Jesus didn’t just tell His disciples who He was, He asked them: “Who am I to you?”


Who is this Jesus to you and me? He is the Prince of Peace. He is our Hope. He is our Wonderful Counsellor. He is the Mighty God. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is our Shepherd — the overseer of our souls. He is the true Light – the bright and morning star. He is the Bread of Life. He is the Beginning and the End.


He is Christ… the Son of the Living God… the Saviour of the World. There is no other Savior apart from Him.


Discover your

As life is a journey, we are all travellers. Yet, do you know where you are? Do you know where you are going?

We believe Jesus is one who guides us and shows the best pathways in our lives. And we are all in this together. So let us discover our pathways — walk with Jesus and become more like Jesus.


Discover your

As life is a journey, we are all travellers. Yet, do you know where you are? Do you know where you are going?

We believe Jesus is one who guides us and shows the best pathways in our lives. And we are all in this together. So let us discover our pathways — walk with Jesus and become more like Jesus.

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